Well, I started Joey on baby cereal. The first attempt didn't go so well, the second a little better and today it actully went fairly well. More still got on his face and bib than in his mouth, but with practice, we'll get better! The pictures don't do justice to the amount he was actully wearing by the end of the feeding!!!

Any advice or suggestions?
Oh first cereal is so fun! LOL It's not easy getting most of it in their mouth when the consistency is so thin like breastmilk or formula!
I'd say if you get to "fairly well" in three attempts--- you're doing great. fantastic in fact --- love the pictures of Joey-- he's not looking too thrilled--they never are at first-- sometimes we just have to bypass the "solids" and go straight to the bottle before my granddaughter has a complete meltdown---It will get easier---- :)
Oh my goodness Jess, he is growing so fast...it seems like only yesterday he was a newborn.
Great first cereal photos.
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