Friday night in the hotel, Joey had a HUGE breakthrough. He not only discovered that he has a voice and knows how to use it, but also that he can smile! Now he's babbling away! I'm so happy! He's such a little comic! Of corse, everytime he's smiling and I go to take his picture and stops smiling... I'll catch him one day soon! He also discovered mirrors a couple days before our trip and now he loves to watch himself!

Yesterday, we took Joey to the beach for the first time! Of corse the water was too cold to put him in yet, but the look on his face when I put his feet in the sand was priceless!

Sunday was our one year wedding anniversary. I can't believe I've been married for a year. That also means, I've been away from home and my parents for a year. It still doesn't feel like it's been that long. Where does the time go?
Looks like you had a great weekend! Happy anniversary to you both!
Wonderful pictures!!! How nice to hear about his breakthroughs.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
I'm browsing back through your blog and I just wanted to say how much I love this picture of you and Joey. SO cute!
We are originally from NY and love going to Mystic. It is so much fun!
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