Thursday, August 31, 2006
For the past couple months I've noticed that my feet have been hurting more than usual especially around my toes, well the other day, I realized that my feet grew! I'm 25 years old and my feet had a growth spurt! So I treated myself to a new pair of gym shoes today.
Then after the mall, we went to Babies R Us to look at Exersaucers,and Jumpers for Joey to play in. We happened to pass by the Halloween costumes and of course I fell in love with the little pumpkin, so I bought it in case they would be sold out by the next time I get there. Anyways, if any of you have a favorite exersaucer, jumper, etc let me know. I'm wanting to get people's opinions on which one to buy for Joey.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Super Duper Jack!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Word Cloud

Before I had Joey, I never realized how stressful motherhood can truely be!! Gotta love being a first time mom!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Carrie and Sujeet are in the news again!
Their love for each other is so beautiful and pure. It brings goosebumps everytime I think about them. I can't wait for the day that Joey finds the love of his life.
The day I met Patrick for the first time still brings goosebumps everytime I think about it too. It was the summer before his last year of law school. We both worked at a nursing home. I was a nursing assistant and Pat was the ground's keeper. I would go outside for my breaks and saw Pat working. Word got back to me that he thought I was pretty so I decided to go talk to him. He asked me out on a date that day. I just had a gut feeling he was "the one" and that we were going to get married. Sure enough, I was right. It's kinda funny, I met my husband at a nursing home!!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Five Ingredient Friday
1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup lemon juice
2 cups assorted fresh berries (raspberries, blueberries or blackberries)
1 tub (8 oz.) frozen non-dairy whipped topping, thawed
1 Keebler® Ready Crust Graham Pie Crust
1. In large bowl combine sweetened condensed milk and lemon juice.
2. Stir in berries. Fold in whipped topping. Spread in crust.
3. Freeze at least 5 hours or until firm. Let stand at room temperature for 30 to 40 minutes before cutting. Garnish as desired.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

What a jerk!
It all started when we started talking about movies we’ve all watched recently and I said that Pat & I watched “The Ringer”, and how mush I enjoyed it and thought it was great that the actors with T-21 were given a chance to act in such a big movie. This guy blurted in saying that all the actors were “f-ing R’s” and that’s all they’ll ever be, and he just started ranting and raving about people with disabilities. I sat there biting my lip as hard as I could for long enough and I finally jumped up and ran inside to my husband.
I know this guy was drunk but that makes no difference or excuse. I knew if I would have opened my mouth and said something to him, it would of just made him rant and rave even more, and I’m not sure if I would of opened my mouth it would of stopped. And I’m not even sure if he realized that our son has Down syndrome.
After this I found out this guy really is crazy and a drunk so he is no long welcome at our home and if we go to an event that he is at, I will leave. I just had to vent somewhere to someone and the majority of the people that read this are fellow T-21 parents.
I know that I’m going to come along other people who are going to be mean and disrespect Joey and us, but that was the first for me and it still hurts. The more I think about it, I feel like I failed as an advocate for people with Down syndrome by not saying something to this guy, but I know I would of just gotten hysterical.
Does anyone have any advice on how to handle idiots like him and what to say to them when/ if this happens again?
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Saturday, August 19, 2006
Great book!

Happy Birthday Terry!
The past year has been so hard being away from my family and friends, especially being away from Terry. You never realize how much a sibling means to you until you’re away from them for an extended period of time.
The day after I got the call from the doctor that Joey has Down syndrome and needed my family more than anything, it was Terry that I called crying wanting to go home to Ohio. He was there on the phone listing to me cry and telling me that everything was going to be all right. I could always count on him for anything, I still can.
When Patrick and I got married last year, I had a brother/ sister dance with him. The song was “Hero” by Mariah Carey. Terry is truly my hero and was who I looked up to growing up.
Today is his birthday and I wish I could be back home in Ohio to spend it with him. Happy Birthday Bubba! I miss you!!

Joey is doing great. Still cranky and not wanting to take naps, but hopefully it will get better soon!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
My Grandma had her open heart surgery yesterday. The doctors had to replace the whole valve rather than repairing it. So she has part of a pigs heart in her now, it's truely amazing the things they can go with medicine now compared to even 10 years ago. But Grandma is a tough ol' bird, she was sitting up in bed this morning eating jello, so she's going to be just fine. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Grandma.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Article time!!
"Families’ joy as Down’s pair wed", by Joanna Codd. Another cute couple ties the knot!

"Disabled Teen Becomes Eagle Scout", By Matthew Pleasant. A wonderful article about a young man with T-21 who becomes an Eagle Scout.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Saturday, August 12, 2006
THEN, my Grandma has been having asthma attacks one after another for a the past week. She went to her regular doctor and she was told that it was her allergies. My aunt ended up taking her to the hospital on Thursday. During all the tests, the doctors discovered that she had 700cc of fluid around her left lung and 500cc around her right. We were told it was either cancer, a bad infection or possibly her heart. The tests were furthered and she has a severely leaking mitral valve on her heart. Needless to say, she goes in for a heart cath on Monday and open heart surgery mid to late this upcoming week. Pray for her too.
These two women are two of my favorite people in the world and who I'm the closest to out of both sides of my family.
Saturday night I went to my friends' bar and got to see some of my old friends. It was karaoke night, I didn't sing, I usually do, but just didn't have the karaoke itch in me that night. But my friend Josh did sing a very good rendition of "Baby Got Back" that was priceless to watch :)
Sunday we went to the Dublin Irish Festival to see my father-in-laws best friend John perform. He's an incrediable musician and such a fun person. He was the MC for the festival's finale. There were so many amazing Irish musicians on the stage at once... Celtic Tenors, Gaelic Storm, 2 of the fiddle players from "Lord of the Dance", just to name a few. We also ate a lot of great food, I think I enjoyed the corned beef and cabbage the best!
(John is the accordian player in the middle)
Friday, August 11, 2006
I'll go backwards though... today wasn't as crazy as I thought it was going to be at the airport. We arrived at Columbus at 2:00 for our 4:30 flight. Luckily the security checkpoint line wasn't too bad. Joey and I made it through the medal detectors but they saw something in my purse that looked funny so they took us off to the side to search my purse and of corse found NOTHING! The hardest part of today was not being able to take water with me. I had to buy water to make Joey's formula but then couldn't take the leftover water on the plane with us. Oh well... Joey did great on the plane except for the last 20 minutes. He didn't scream his head off but he was definitely not a happy little boy.
After we got back to our house, we weren't even home for 5 minutes and the power transformer blew outside of our house!! I had just turned on my computer and sat down to get online and "BOOM!!!!", it sounded like a shotgun was shot right outside our front door! So needless to say after a day of traveling with a 5 month old, all I wanted to do was come home and get on my computer and we had no electricity!! We came over to my in-laws house until our power wil hopefully be put back on soon! Luckily it's only in the 70's tonight. I just hope my computer didn't get fried in the process!!
I'll update about our trip tomorrow, computer permitting!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Well we're off to Ikea and the Christmas Tree Shop to spend money!!!
Also, don't forget to keep brainstorming ideas for our buddy walk team's name!!!