I noticed Joey had two little pink bug like looking spots on his rear end this morning and didn't think much about it. We took a trip to the mall and a hour after we were there, I went to change Joey's diaper to see that his crotch and rear end were broke out in a rash and that there was a few bumps forming on his belly. So, naturally I decided it was time to leave and when I got out to the van I called Joey's pediatrician who told us to come straight over. By the time we got there, Joey had these little bumps going up his belly and on his neck. It's not chicken pox, mumps, from teething, I didn't change any soaps or detergents, or any type of allergy, Doc B said that it's a viral infection of some sort and to give him benadryl. I just hope it doesn't get any worse before it gets better!

AWW Poor Joey. This is an awful time of year. Tristan had some sort of virus last year that came with a similar rash and it went away fast. I hope it is the same for Joey. I remember feeling panicked. take care
I hope it goes away quickly.
Oh poor baby! Does it itch him or anything? They don't look too pleasant :( Hope it goes away fast!
Poor poor baby. I hope it goes away fast.
Oh how sad!! I hope it goes away soon. I hater those mysterious rashes. What a pain!!!
oh poor joey.... i hope it doesnt itch. it makes me itch just looking at it!!!!
Shaylee had that a few months ago, and it was a viral infection too. It also started in her diaper area and spread up her belly. I went away pretty quick though after a few doeses of Benadryl. Hope he starts to feel better, poor guy has had it rough lately!
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