Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Genetics visit last week
I went in last week for my first trimester risk assessment ultrasound and my prenatal lab work at Yale's genetic's department. I told them up front no other testing, no amnio or CVS. Anyways, the blood work came back fine with no elevation in my blood levels for Trisomy 21 or 18. My ultrasound showed that the baby has a thicker nucual thickening around its neck. Average is 3.0mm, my baby's is 3.1mm. When I was pregnant with Joey's his was almost double that that plus no nasal bone is what first made them suspect Down syndrome. His nucual thickening was severe enough to be classified as a Cystic Hygroma, but we were fortunate that it dissolved by the time he was born. This baby has a nasal bone. After ultrasound tech was finished, he went and got the doctor to take a look. Of course, the doctor saw that this baby's nucual thickening is a little abnormal. I was a little mad when he said, "I'm sorry", like he was sorry he was giving me bad news or something. I'm not worried what so ever, if this baby has Down syndrome too then God chose us to have another children with an extra chromosome, so what! I'd feel blessed to have another child with Down syndrome. Neither of us are T-21 carriers and the odd's of this child having T-21 is 1 in 45. The only reason for the odds being what they are is due to nucual thickening being what it was. Without the nucual thickening, the odd's were 1 in 100. I guess more than anything I'm mad at the doctor for saying "I'm sorry", because I'm NOT sorry, I'm happy! I'm 13 weeks pregnant and the baby is healthy. It has a nice strong heartbeat and has 2 arms and 2 legs. What more could a parent want?!

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I'm so glad that the baby is healthy! What wonderful news!
How frustrating! and 3.1 isn't that much larger than 3.0! Geesh! Sorry you had a rude doc like that. Thanks for sharing the u/s pic though - I love seeing the little babies like that!
What a cute first picture. Im glad things went well for you(besides the Drs rude comment).
what a cute little bugger you got there!!! too bad the doctor had to be so sorry...just glad to hear the baby is healthy! congrats!!
I can tell from the ultrasound that this baby will be as cute as Joey!!! That is great news that the baby is healthy. Congratulations.
Congratulations on the sweet sonogram picture, I miss that time so much. All of mine are growing up so fast and at 42 I am just beyond it agewise, but heartwise I so want another. Am I nuts?
Well, I'm sad to hear that doctor felt he needed to apologize to you, and happy that you have a healthy little one.
When things like this happen to me, I always think of things I could have said in response, but it's always after the fact. Like I think this physician would have done well to hear a response such as, "Oh don't be sorry for me. I'm blessed to be carrying a child." Or whatever. But my point is, I often think people don't think carefully enough about how what they say is heard and received by others. I don't think he was intentionally being malicious, but I don't think he was being thoughtful.
Glad to hear the baby's, and I hope you're feeling well. How's your energy level?
Oops...meant to write, "I'm glad to hear the baby's healthy." Guess I should have previewed that.
Glad to hear the baby is healthy and well. Hope you have a happy 2nd and 3rd trimester.
Indeed – what more could a parent want?! So, when are you due? Thinking that you and I are at about the same stage in our pregnancies. I’m just over 13 weeks – due on the 4th of October. I wish you a happy pregnancy!
Congratulations Jessica! First off, good for you! Second, Dr's never know what to say! I actually had a long talk today with a Pediatrician Resident about how Dr's really need to think about what they say to new and expecting parents and realize that it's a baby, not a "label" or "diagnosis", and he agreed that they are really trying to learn to these things and it just depends on who your mentors are when you are in Medical School. This Dr's Mentor was a Specialist who always told him, "if you see a parent who has a child with a diagnosis that you know very little about, let the parent teach you about it, because chances are, they know a lot more than you!" And I was so happy to hear this Dr. tell me that, it was reassuring to know that at least one more Pediatrician will be sensitive to new parents! Anyway you have nothing to worry about because you know you have a perfect baby growing inside you who is lucky to have you as his/her mom!
Congrats! I love seeing those little alien pics. Glad to hear that you and the baby are doing well.
Congratulations! Even the ultrasound is cute. :D
You are right...babies are a blessing no matter how they are presented.
Keep up the awesome positive outlook. I think you are doing wonderful.
LOVED that picture of Joey on your W.W. post, by the way. :D
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