As many of the other parents that have children with Down syndrome have posted, today is World Down Syndrome Day. March is the 3rd month of the year and today's date is the 21st and since Trisomy 21 is a 3rd 21st chromosome, today makes the perfect day to celebrate Down syndrome awareness!!!

Please take a minute today to try and educate someone new on some the misconceptions about Down syndrome. Heck, show them a picture of Joey... does he look like he's suffering or a burden? Heck no!!!! He's perfect!! Also, if you've not read my story about when we learned that Joey has Down syndrome, please read it.
Also, a great article on WDSD, Disability must be valued, written by Jenny Bockerstette.
Great links! I particularly liked your story...you're one of the (few) brave women who continued a pregnancy, and you are the women I pin my hopes for our future on. I wish the world was made up of moms like you!
Happy WDSD! Joey looks adorable as always :) Doesn't this day make you so proud of our babies?
He is perfect and you are so blessed.
Just stopping by to wish you a happy World Down Syndrome Day.
Happy WDSD! Loved the pic of Joey! Going to read the article you posted about. I think I read your story before, but not sure so I need to go refresh my memory :)
What a cute guy! Happy WDSD!
happy WDSD to you and joey!!! hugs!
Hello, Jessica!
All very, very nice. tahnk you
have a good weekend
I have just been lurking around lately, but I do stop by to catch up on all that's going on with Joey. He's just beautiful. I took my Superhero bowling a few weeks ago, and saw three young adults bowling. They all had DS. It brought on a flood of emotion. I ached for the baby I lost, but know things happen for a reason. I thought of all the moms like you, who are doing such a wonderful job to raise wonderful kids and awareness. Warmest regards to all of you!
I missed the whole WDSD cause I was sick....ah well. Just catching up and saying happy beleated WDSD to you!!!
How cute is Joey looking! Happy DS day.
I'm a little late but Happy WDSD! Thanks for your sweet comment I am feeling better already :)
Oh my goodness, what a handsome little man!! I also know the pleasure of having a chromosomally blessed child. Aren't they amazing?
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