Did I mention he's starting to stand?! He can't pull to stand yet, but if you stand him up next to the couch, he's holding himself up for about 30 seconds at a time. Joey's PT about had a heart attack today when she was working on his standing. He also wants to crawl so bad, but instead of pushing off with his knees, he tries to use his foot and falls back down. He'll get it soon enough!!
I've had a darn cold the past couple days and it's driving me crazy. Whenever I think it's getting better, I start feeling like crap again. It just stinks since I'm pregnant, I can't really take anything besides Tylenol and benadryl to feel better. I can't even take a nice, hot bath (lord, what I would pay right now to soak in a nice hot bath!)
Also, I forgot last week that I promised pictures of Joey in his new bath seat. He absolutely loves the thing! I think he'd stay in the bath for a hour if we'd let him!!

sounds like a good check up! Hope you're feeling better soon!
Sure does look like he enjoys his bath!
TheBeast isn't much bigger than him and she's 15 months! She weighs 18 pounds 7.5 ounces and is 30 1/2 inches tall!! Geesh. I'm so glad he's doing so well. How exciting that he can stand for a little bit!! Go Joey!! He looks soo adorable in his bath seat!
Oh what a wonderful seat. He looks like he loves it. Way to go Joey on the good growth, and trying to stand. Woo hoo.
I love the pictures, he looks like he's having so much fun.
Sounds like Joey is doing fabulous!
That bath seat is so cool - I might have to find one for d!
what a great report. he is soo much bigger than mayson. she is only 16 lbs 11 0z and 27 inches!
Happy belated birthday, Joey!!!!!!!
I am sold. I have been thinking of getting one for Sheena, and now I definitely will.
Glad the check up wen so well. And the pictures are absolutely priceless!
Hopefully you are not snowed in anymore and you are feeling a lot better.
Thanks for the well wishes, I am FINALLY out of the hospital.
We have this bath seat too. Our little guy loves it! Hurray for a great check up!
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