I just came across a blog that I wanted to share about a little boy who needs lots of prayers. His name is Canon Norman and he was born with a heart defect. He recently received a heart transplant and then had a stroke. Please go visit
his mother's blog and also pray for Canon and his family.
I've been following his blog too!
I will....definitely!
Prayers are being said for Canon right this minute. I very well know what this is like to have a small child with a heart defect!! It's so, so scary and you feel so helpless!! Oh the memories this brings back. I sit here with tears flowing just reading about the precious boy. My heart goes out to his family and Canon too!!!
Oh Jessica, I am unsure if you know but sweet Canon has passed away. I am glad you shared his link as I was able to pray for him and now for his family.
Peace Be With You
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