I have added another ad to my blog, so for any of you that are interested in Signing Time DVDs, I am now an affiliate for their company. I thought this would be a great way to hopefully help me to get some extra money to order them for Joey!
Awsome. We have Signing Time and the whole family gets into it. "It's signing time with Alex and Leah, come and play....." "Do you know the colors of the rainbow, do you know the colors of the rainbow, there's red, orange yellow, green, purple and bluuuuuuue, do you know the........
Cool! I've been an affiliate too, but I forgot to put my banner back up after Rebecca redid my blog...guess I should go figure that out again :)
Oh I want to be an affiliate too... and Michelle, I am so sorry I lost your little plug for Signing Times I didn't even realize it until now.
Awsome. We have Signing Time and the whole family gets into it. "It's signing time with Alex and Leah, come and play....." "Do you know the colors of the rainbow, do you know the colors of the rainbow, there's red, orange yellow, green, purple and bluuuuuuue, do you know the........
We love it, and Amanda is doing great with it.
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