Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker pregnancy

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Wordless Wednesday

For more Wordless Wednesdays, go here.


Moogie said...

OMG..those are the cutest photos ever. What a precious dollbaby. Thank you sos much for sharing!

Happy WW!!!

(he looks like he is sound asleep by the look of it) :)

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Such a sweet little sleeper! He is so precious. Thanks for sharing! Happy Thanksgiving:)

Holly Schwendiman said...

He looks so peaceful! Happy WW.

Holly's Corner

NOLADawn said...

I just love when they sleep with their little rumps in the air :)

Anonymous said...

cutie.... :)

Wendy Ann Edwina D'Cunha e Pereira said...

children look like angels when they sleep and one angel is asleep here....

Ingrid said...

What a cute picture ! and the little helmet suits him well ! I see he also sleeps on his knees, my son did that too !

Unknown said...

These pics are way too cute! Thanks so much for sharing!
Happy WW from Germany,


Anonymous said...

These are great pictures. He's adorable.

Happy WW & Thanksgiving!

Chaotic Mom said...

What a cutie pie! My little guy had hearing aids at that age. Not quite the same, but they get used to those things, eh? Just a part of their lives, and ours, I guess. Mine was a "rump up" sleeper, too. ;)

I've posted my Wordless Wednesday. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Joey just the MOST adorable!!!?!! Love your photo you chose this week!!!

My Wordless Photo is posted. One you won't believe!!!

Eagles Wings said...

what a little angel...they always are when they are sleeping :-)

Anonymous said...

What sweet photos!

Celfyddydau said...

So sweet. love his little crash hat.

My WW is up

Michelle said...

He looks so peaceful just sleeping!

Rayne said...

Such a sweet baby. You just know he's going to wake up with a smile.

Anonymous said...

These are priceless!

Ms. Kathleen said...

What a little doll! He looks like a real cuddly babe!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a sweet little cutie pie.

Anonymous said...

Awww there is nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby!

jotcr2 said...

Look at his little toosh in the air. That is actually great for his muscle development - that is one of Sheena's therapy positions for when she is ready to crawl (she hates it). Obviously, Joey is very comfy, and CUTE.