Today has been a productive day. I'm on my second load of laundry, washed the dishes & Joey's bottels, went to a doctors appointment, got my eyebrows waxed, and even worked on some Christmas gifts! I'm quite proud of myself for getting so much done! Heck, Joey even had a productive day... he pooped! That's not been happening very often, but of corse, that's another story :)
It hit me today that Joey is going to be 8 months old in 12 days! I can't believe it! Where has the time gone! My little guy is almost 8 months old which means in 4 months he's going to be ONE YEAR OLD! Geez... time does fly by!

And since
Sheena's mommy shared her post bath mohawk, I figured I would share Joey's too.
Its scary on how fast they grow. Its like we blink and they are 2. Its crazy. Love the picture. Did you think of some ideas for home made Christmas present? Thats what I'm doing this year too.
Eeek 8 months!!! I remember the day Joey was born like it was yesterday. And the closer we get to his birthday, the closer it is to the wedding!!! Wanna know something cool? Okay maybe it's not really that cool, but I think it is. Okay Joey's birthday is March 14th. My cousins baby birthday is April 3 (Joey's due date, also cool). Anyways, the wedding is March 24 which is exactly 10 days AFTER Joey's birthday and exactly 10 days BEFORE Christian's birthday. Kinda neat I think.
Cute little mohawk, I miss those!
Oh, how precious. Yes, my son is 2 now and it seems like yesterday that he was a little tiny guy just laying on the changing table. Now it's a miracle to get him to sit still!
Thanks for your visit to my place.
Good job. The pooping thing is very familiar to us. It used to be either it came or it didn't. When Amanda pooped watch out, when she didn't, we're talking days, sometimes a week.
Impressive - I haven't been able to get much done lately, so I'm in awe of you!
Love Joey's mohawk :) too cute!!!
He is so darned cute! :) I love the picture. And yes, they do grow up too quickly! My baby is going to be 2 in December. :)
Time does past quickly - before you know it we will be wishing Joey a happy 1st birthday! Love the little mohawk look!
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