I'm cheating, I can't leave this a wordless message although the picture speaks for itself... that's right folks, I'm 5 weeks pregnant! I just found out today!! I'm going to have my hands full starting in July with a newborn and a 17 month old!
For more wordless wednesdays, go here!
eeekkk I'm sooo excited!!! I get to be an aunt x 2....if chris and I are even still together.
WOW Congratulations! I am so excited for you! That is excellent! Pregnancy is so exciting!
Congratulations. 5 weeks in already, I'll be interested in reading how you go second time around.
Congratulations!!! I'm so jealous. (Just kidding). Take care of yourself.
Congratulations. Im excited for you..and Joeys going to have fun with a sibling. How awesome for you. I miss those days of being pregnant(i had my four, im now done, although some days i wish i could have one more) Happy Wednesday, mine is up too.
Congratulations! With news that exciting, you need to cheat!
Well congratulations! And get all the rest you can now! My WW is up. Happy Wednesday!
holy smokes!! woo hoo. congratulations!! yes, you will have your hands full but it will be the best days of your life!!!!
OMG OMG OMG!! Congrats! I think you should have left it wordless, it would have driven us all nuts! I am SO happy for you and for Joey! Yeah! And that's not THAT close! Ha ha! My girls are 16 months apart and they LOVE interacting. It's so much fun to experience them growing up together! I am SOOO happy for you!!
AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I see you're a two-tester too. WOOO HOOOOO! Don't worry - baby will be cheap entertainment for your firstborn. "Oooh, look how baby cries when I poke his/her eyes!" and "Look Mom, I can swing baby 'round by her ankles!" and "Here baby, have some candy!"
SO happy for you!!!
Congratulations! Yes, you'll have your hands full indeed! And your heart full of joy.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Congratulations!!!! BEEBEEE!!!!
I'm not jealous in the least, but I love hearing about other people having babies :D
Wow!! Congratulations!!! Joey will be an excelent big brother!
Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!
congratulations! take care of yourself during these next months. my ww's up! ;)
Congratulations! My youngest two are twenty-one months apart...keep your shoes on; you'll be busier than you can imagine. Some of my favorite memories of being a mother include those early days, cuddled up on my bed with the two of them, one snuggled up on each side, reading book after book after book until they drifted off into naptime. I'd get up and do a load of laundry, or, sometimes I'd just stay there and take a nap, too. It helps! Happy Wednesday!
That is great news.
Congrats. That is so exciting. My boys are 18 months apart...so busy, but so much fun.
Happy WW!
congratulations!!!!! that's so wonderful!!
Oh wow! How exciting. Congratulations!
Woo! Congratulations.
I agree with leslieann...this is the BEST WW this week! Congrats to you...just wonderful!!
Congratulations. You will be very busy!
I'm so happy for you!! Darn blogger wouldn't let me post comments much of all yesterday (at least during the time when I had time to post!) I wanted to say congratulations to you and had to wait until this morning!! :) How exciting!
Congratulationd!! I miss being pregnant, I have 3 DD's 12, 5, 17mths and I pretty much think we are done but I have my "days".
Whooo hooooo oooooo congratulations!!!! My first two are 17 months apart too - I love it!!!
Congrats. Let the Craziness begin.
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